Storytelling and Metaphor Design for Play Therapy

Come join Terry Kottman, founder of Adlerian play therapy and master storyteller, in this interactive class about how you can use storytelling for metaphoric teaching (one of the “healing powers of play”) in play therapy. You will learn and practice the basic skills of storytelling and metaphor design so you can feel confident using therapeutic stories you and your clients create in your play therapy sessions.


Using an Adlerian play therapy lens for thinking about therapeutic metaphors and storytelling, in this class, Terry Kottman, founder of Adlerian play therapy and master storyteller, will help you gain a sense of competence and confidence in being able to design and deliver therapeutic metaphors.  She will teach you how to create settings and characters for your therapeutic metaphors, how to set up your story arc, how to be intentional with the teaching contained in the story, and how to use basic storytelling skills to deliver the story. You will learn and practice basic metaphor creation, mutual storytelling, co-telling a story, and Creative Characters with your classmates and develop at least one story for taking back to your play therapy practice and telling to one of your current play therapy clients. 

Due to COVID-19 health concerns, this one-time online event has been approved by APT for 4 CONTACT CE Hours.     APT Approved Provider 99-055


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Create therapeutic metaphors for their play therapy clients.
  2. Use storytelling skills to deliver a therapeutic metaphor to their play therapy clients.
  3. Describe how having a goal for a therapeutic metaphor is essential in designing stories to help play therapy clients.
  4. Use the mutual storytelling technique to retell a story told to them by a play therapy client in a therapeutic way.
  5. Use co-telling a story to build the relationship and explore the lifestyle with a play therapy client.
  6. Describe 3 different methods for delivering therapeutic metaphors in play therapy.
  7. Incorporate Adlerian Crucial Cs, personality priorities, and life tasks in therapeutic metaphors for their play therapy clients.