Ethical Decision-Making in Play Therapy: Models and Applications

Learn how to apply important ethical constructs in the current play therapy context.


In this experiential workshop, you will review ethical theories and models of ethical decision-making relevant to play therapy applications.  Special emphasis will be placed on developing your understanding of decision-making processes used in arriving at ethical courses of action in four primary areas of emphasis in professional ethics codes and the APT Practice Guidelines.  These areas include:  a) informed consent, b) confidentiality, c) competence, and d) multiple relationships.  Using case studies and vignettes, you will be invited to consider what might be the best course of action in a variety of play therapy scenarios presenting ethical dilemmas. .


4 Live Webinar CE Hours. (non-contact)(4 hours on Play Therapy Skills and Methods)  This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar."

APT Approved Provider 99-055



League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7402. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit a 


  1. List the assumptions and theories behind ethical decision-making models,
  2. Identify and explain a practical model for ethical decision-making in play therapy
  3. Explain how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of informed consent in play therapy
  4. Explain how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of competence in play therapy
  5. Explain how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of confidentiality in play therapy
  6. Explain how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of dual relationships in play therapy
  7. Identify and explain how cultural backgrounds and beliefs can influence ethical decision-making.


8:00 am - Start

10:00 am - Break

12:15 pm - End