Advanced Adlerian Play Therapy - Live Webinar
In this online class, you will deepen your understanding and application of advanced Adlerian play therapy concepts, skills, and techniques, with an emphasis on conceptualization and treatment planning. You will also explore your own lifestyle to enhance your awareness of your own issues and their impact on your work with children and the significant others in their lives.
In this online “sequel” to Beginning Adlerian Play Therapy, the emphasis is on getting supervision for your sessions with a child; honing your Adlerian play therapy skills; giving you a toolbox filled with Adlerian play therapy strategies and techniques; deepening your ability to conceptualize children, parents, and teachers from an Adlerian perspective; and deepening your mastery of Adlerian lifestyle conceptualizing and Adlerian play therapy treatment planning with children, parents, and teachers. The instructor and the other members of the class will serve as witnesses and facilitators for your process as you examine your own lifestyle, exploring issues that might enhance or impede your relationship with specific clients. Required reading: Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Practitioner's Wellness Approach (6th edition) (2019) by Thomas Sweeney.
35 Live Webinar CE Hours. (non-contact) (Includes 20 hours on Play Therapy Seminal or Historically Significant Theories, 10 hours on Play Therapy Skills and Methods, 2 hours on Play Therapy Cultural and Social Diversity, and 3 hours on Play Therapy Special Topics) You will also receive 5 hours of Play Therapy supervision as part of the class. This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar."
APT Approved Provider 99-055
League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7402. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
- By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- List and describe 4 basic concepts of Adlerian theory
- Explain how each of these basic concepts of Adlerian theory apply to play therapy
- Describe each of the 4 phases of Adlerian play therapy
- List and describe 4 play therapy skills used in Adlerian play therapy for building the relationship with a child client
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques used for establishing a relationship with the child in play therapy
- Explain the steps of limit setting in Adlerian play therapy and explain the rationale for each of them
- Describe how they would decide whether to use the 4th step of limit-setting (setting a consequence for continued breaking of a play room rule) with a child
- Describe the rationale for cleaning the room with a child at the end of the session in Adlerian play therapy
- Describe how you would decide whether to engage a specific child in collaboratively cleaning the room at the end of a session in Adlerian play therapy
- Describe each of the following elements of lifestyle and explain why exploring each of them in connection with every child client is important in Adlerian play therapy:
- Culture
- Family atmosphere
- Family constellation
- Crucial Cs
- Personality priorities
- Goals of misbehavior
- Purposes of behavior
- Assets and strengths
- Lifestyle convictions
- Mistaken beliefs
- Private logic
- Explain the importance of exploring culture as a part of a child’s lifestyle.
- Explain the role of cultural humility in working with diverse populations of children and families.
- Explain at least one tool for exploring each of these lifestyle elements in your sessions with a child in Adlerian play therapy
- Describe why it is also important in Adlerian play therapy to explore each of the following with every child in Adlerian play therapy:
- Problem solving ability and skills
- Communication ability and skills
- Self-regulation ability and skills
- Emotional management ability and skills
- Friendship ability and skills
- List and describe 3 skills used in Adlerian play therapy for exploring the lifestyle of a child client
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques used in exploring the lifestyle of a child client
- Describe the difference between relationship skills and abilities and explain why this distinction is important in Adlerian play therapy
- Describe the Johari Window and explain the relationship between the Johari Window and the third phase of Adlerian play therapy
- Describe how they are going to take culture into account when treatment planning for all clients in order to provide culturally responsive play therapy services
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy skills used in helping the child client gain insight in play therapy
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques used in helping the child gain insight in play therapy
- Describe the purpose of metacommunication in Adlerian play therapy
- List 5 things they might metacommunicate about in Adlerian play therapy
- List 5 types of metacommunications they might use in Adlerian play therapy
- Describe how they would decide whether to use a “bridging” metacommunication with a specific child
- Explain the relationship between the phase of Adlerian play therapy they are in with a specific child and the type of metacommunication they would usually use with that child
- Describe why it is important to use more lifestyle metacommunications the farther in the process of Adlerian play therapy they are
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy skills used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for teaching the child new patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for teaching the child new patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving
- Explain how they would use their knowledge of the personality priorities of parents or teachers during consultation in Adlerian play therapy
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques for working with specific populations of play therapy clients
- List and describe 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques for working with specific presenting problems of play therapy clients
- Describe the relationship of their own lifestyles to their ability to be effective in their work with specific types of children and parents
- Describe the process of conceptualizing clients in Adlerian play therapy
- 36. Describe the process of developing treatment plans for clients in Adlerian play therapy
- 37. List and describe 3 strategies for consulting with teachers and/or parents as part of the process of Adlerian play therapy
- 38. Demonstrate competency using Adlerian play therapy skills for establishing a relationship with a child client by attaining at least an 85% fidelity score on the Adlerian Play Therapy Skills Checklist for Phase 1
- 39. Demonstrate competency using Adlerian play therapy skills for exploring a child client’s lifestyle by attaining at least an 80% fidelity score on the Adlerian Play Therapy Skills Checklist for Phase 2
- 40. Demonstrate competency using Adlerian play therapy skills for helping a child client gain insight into his or her lifestyle by attaining at least an 80% fidelity score on the Adlerian Play Therapy Skills Checklist for Phase 3
- 41. Demonstrate competency using Adlerian play therapy skills for helping a child client learn and practice new patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving by attaining at least an 80% fidelity score on the Adlerian Play Therapy Skills Checklist for Phase 4
- 42. Demonstrate competency using Adlerian consultation skills for working with parents and/or teachers as an adjunct to play therapy by attaining at least an 80% on the Adlerian Play Therapy Parent Consultation Skills Checklist (or the Adlerian Play Therapy Teacher Consultation Skills Checklist)
- 43. Explain how play therapy client's culture affects the development of their lifestyle
- Beginning Adlerian Play Therapy
- You must have access to a playroom (or at least a space with toys) for a half an hour sometime over the lunch break or after class on the second, third and fourth days of the class, so you can do a play therapy session and video it to share for class. You must also be able to borrow a child (5-9 years old) to serve as your "client" for those three sessions during the week of class. The child should not be one of your clients, nor should the child be related to you. You will need parental permission to video the sessions and share the video via Zoom with your instructor, the other members of your triad, and one of our Teaching Assistants. The child needs to relatively mentally healthy, without any major psychological problems. A child who is creative and mostly cooperative seems to work best for this type of activity. You must be able to video record the sessions in a format that you can share via Screen Share on Zoom. You can see the child in person or via a telehealth format, whichever works better for you and your situation, as long as you have a way to record the sessions.
- You will need to interview at least one of the parents of “your” child sometime on Saturday (July 11), Sunday (July 12), or the evening of Monday (July 13 or Tuesday (July 14), using the parent interview I will send you.
- You must have a spot in your house or your office where you can set up your iPad or computer so you can be undisturbed for class—we will be very busy all day—sometimes as a big class group, sometimes with the other two members of your triad and one of my “assistants,” and sometimes with the instructor, the other two members of your triad, and one of the “assistants.” We are going to be giving Contact APT CEs, and we need to make sure that the class has your complete attention during class time.
- Please take appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Student Testimonials
Advanced Adlerian Play Therapy is a transformative adventure with an encouraging tribe pursuing what has heart and meaning. With an intentional focus on attunement, presence, and gaining insight you learn to trust yourself, your client, and the healing process applying Adlerian principles such as Crucial C's, Personality Priorities, and Lifestyle Convictions. Playfulness is interwoven throughout the activities. Frequent opportunities are provided to interact with therapists all over the US and even some international participants. After participating in several LEAPT courses, it continues to be an exciting professional community with amazing possibilities for professional and personal growth! (Celeste C. Neil, PhD, RPT-S)
Advanced Adlerian Play Therapy was the class I needed to take my practice to the next level! I feel so confident moving from Phase 1 and 2 to Phase 3 and Phase 4 using Adlerian interventions! I would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to strengthen their work and practice. (Abby Rainey)
8:00 AM Start
10:15 AM Break 1 (15 mins)
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Resume Class
3:00 PM Break 2 (15 mins)
5:30 PM End