Using Groups in Adlerian Play Therapy

Learn how to design and facilitate an Adlerian play therapy group.


In this online class, the instructors will use discussion, encouragement, videos, role playing, and actual work with groups of children to help you refine your skills so that you will be able to use group play therapy skills and techniques to (a) build relationships with group members; (b) explore group members’ lifestyles; (c) help group members gain insight into their lifestyles; and (d) help group members make changes in their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors. You will also learn and practice strategies for developing conceptualization of each of the members of a group and develop treatment plans for individual members and the group as a whole as part of the group Adlerian play therapy process. Built into this class is the opportunity and consulting to make videos of your practice with a small group of children and receive feedback from the instructors about your group play therapy skills. This emphasis in this class is on group play therapy skills and activities appropriate for group play therapy and Adlerian theory as applied to group play therapy.  Required reading before class: Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy (3rd ed.) (Kottman & Meany-Walen, 2016). 

Due to Rebecca's teaching load at the university, this class has been divided into two sections:
December dates: December 16 and 17, 2021
January Dates: January 17, 18, & 19, 2021
Due to COVID-19 health concerns, this one-time online event has been approved by APT for 40 CONTACT CE Hours.     
(20 hours  on Play Therapy Seminal or Historically Significant Theories and 20 hours on Play Therapy Skills and Methods)
APT Approved Provider 99-055

League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7402. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe each of the 4 phases of Adlerian play therapy
  2. List and describe 4 basic concepts of Adlerian theory
  3. Explain how each of these basic concepts of Adlerian theory apply to group play therapy
  4. Explain the steps of limit setting in group Adlerian play therapy
  5. Describe 2 play therapy skills used in group Adlerian play therapy for building the relationship with child clients
  6. Demonstrate 2 play therapy skills used in group Adlerian play therapy for building the relationship with child clients
  7. List and describe at least 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques/activities used for establishing a relationship with children in group play therapy
  8. Demonstrate at least 2 Adlerian play therapy techniques/activities used for establishing relationship with children in group play therapy
  9. List and describe 2 skills used in group Adlerian play therapy for exploring the lifestyles of child clients
  10. Demonstrate at least 2 skills used in group Adlerian play therapy for exploring the lifestyles of child clients
  11. List and describe at least 3 Adlerian play therapy techniques/activities used in exploring the lifestyles of children in group play therapy
  12. Demonstrate at least 2 Adlerian play therapy techniques/activities used in exploring the lifestyles of children in group play therapy
  13. List and describe at least 2 skills used in group Adlerian play therapy for helping child clients gain insight in group play therapy
  14. Demonstrate at least 1 Adlerian play therapy skill used in helping the child client gain insight in play therapy
  15. List and describe 2 Adlerian play therapy techniques/activities used in helping children gain insight in play therapy
  16. Demonstrate at least 1 Adlerian play therapy technique/activities used in helping children gain insight in group play therapy
  17. List and describe at least 2 skills used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for facilitating children learning and practicing new, more adaptive patterns of feeling, thinking, and/or behaving in group Adlerian play therapy
  18. Demonstrate at least 1 skill used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for facilitating children learning and practicing new, more adaptive patterns of feeling, thinking, and/or behaving in group Adlerian play therapy
  19. List and describe at least 3 techniques/activities used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for facilitating children learning and practicing new, more adaptive patterns of feeling, thinking, and/or behaving in group Adlerian play therapy
  20. Demonstrate at least 2 techniques/activities used in the reeducation/reorientation phase for facilitating children learning and practicing new, more adaptive patterns of feeling, thinking, and/or behaving in group Adlerian play therapy
  21. Describe the role of encouragement in group Adlerian play therapy
  22. Describe each of the following elements of lifestyle and explain why exploring each of them in connection with group members is important in group Adlerian play therapy:
    1. Family atmosphere
    2. Family constellation
    3. Crucial Cs
    4. Personality priorities
    5. Goals of misbehavior
    6. Purposes of behavior
    7. Assets and strengths
    8. Lifestyle convictions
    9. Mistaken beliefs
    10. Private logic
  23. Explain the purpose of conceptualizing clients in group Adlerian play therapy
  24. Describe the relationship between conceptualizing clients and developing treatment plans for them in group Adlerian play therapy
  25. Discuss ways to assess the self-defeating behaviors of group members and skills needed by group members
  26. Describe the importance of balancing attention between/among group members in group Adlerian play therapy
  27. Discuss strategies for managing group dynamics in an Adlerian play therapy group, including the following:
    1. Explaining how to draw out a child who is not participating
    2. Explaining how to block a child who is dominating
    3. Describing how to negotiate conflict between group members
    4. Facilitating effective conflict resolution between and among group members
  28. Explain how to assess suitability for inclusion in an Adlerian play therapy group
  29. Describe how to balance group membership in an Adlerian play therapy group
  30. Discuss the process of setting up group rules/norms that need to be identified as a part of group Adlerian play therapy
  31. List and describe at least 3 possible purposes for creating an Adlerian play therapy group
  32. Describe how to match the structure of the Adlerian play therapy group based on the specific purpose of the group
  33. Describe how to find or develop appropriate play therapy activities for each phase based on the specific purpose of the group
  34. Demonstrate how to metacommunicate about…
    1. How each child contributes to the group
    2. Each child’s goals of misbehavior in the group
    3. Each child’s purposes of behavior in the group
    4. Interactions between and among group members
    5. Interactions between group members and you as the facilitator
    6. How each child feels in regards to other group members
    7. What each child thinks about other group members
    8. How each member feels/thinks about self in relationship to other members
    9. The overall group process
    10. Each child’s assets and assets of the group
    11. Group members’ functioning at life tasks, particularly around school and friendship
  35. Explain how to create opportunities for the group members to lead the session
  36. Discuss how to create opportunities for the group members to follow other children in the session
  37. Describe the importance of encouraging group members to give feedback to one another
  38. Demonstrate at least 2 ways to encourage group members to give feedback to one another during the play therapy
  39. Describe a process for designing and delivering play therapy interventions designed to teach skills such as anger management skills, friendship skills, etc. needed by group members
  40. Explain at least 2 different ways to intentionally create opportunities for group members to practice new skills in an Adlerian play therapy group