Using Adlerian Play Therapy to Build Prosocial Skills

Join us as we explore ways to utilize Adlerian play therapy to enhance children’s self-regulation, social, and critical thinking skills.


The COVID-19 pandemic gripped the nation for over a year creating anxiety, social isolation, and widespread uncertainty for adults and children alike.  In these unprecedented times, parents struggled to identify the best way to support their children’s emotional development and mental health.  Children lost opportunities to engage in social situations and practice skills related to self-regulation, socialization, and those involved in executive functioning (organization, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills).  In addition, an increase in symptoms related to anxiety, depression, and panic was reported for adolescents.  When returning to the school setting, the impact of the pandemic manifested in an increase in oppositional defiant behaviors, emotional difficulties, interpersonal struggles, and academic challenges in the classroom. Community and school-based play therapists are now faced with the complication of filling the gap created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Adlerian play therapy, an evidence-based intervention, provides the tools needed to support children in gaining skills, working through emotional challenges, and mitigating the lasting effects of the pandemic.  Through the use of Adlerian play therapy-based skills, children not only gain insight and awareness, they also enhance prosocial abilities and shift private logic leading to greater social and academic success. 

4 Live Webinar CE hours (Non-Contact) (Includes 1 hour on Play Therapy Seminal or Historically Significant Theories, 2 hours on Play Therapy Skills and Methods) This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar."

APT Approved Provider 99-055


League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7402. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


1. Identify the four phases of Adlerian play therapy.

2. Discuss a variety of skill sets needed to successfully engage in socialization.

3. Explain how to utilize Adlerian play therapy to address skill deficits.

4. Identify Adlerian play therapy techniques to build self-regulation, social, and critical thinking skills (5 techniques per skill area).


8:30 AM Begin class

10:30 Break (15 minutes)

12:45 End class